About Us

The Patriot was first opened in 2004 by the Brogan brothers in what is the original historic Bank of New Zealand Building. The Patriot since has a very supportive local and international following from it many NZ and International beverages, its wide range of good quality, easy going menu plus having regular LIVE entertainment and LIVE Sports sceenings.

In early 2019, The Patriot business was purchased from the Brogan brothers by Mylam and Liz Sloan who also own additional hospitality businesses at Auckland Airport.


Mylam was previously an airline pilot with Liz having a number of senior sales roles such as NZ Manager of Portmans (ladies Clothing) and Commercial Retail Manager for Auckland Airport

Mylam is as local as you can get, been born in the old maternity hospital (Pentlands) nearly situated directly behind the Patriot in Buchanan Street. He attended Devonport Primary, Belmont Intermediate and Takapuna Grammar and is a keen supporter of local groups, schools and the Navy.

This is home to him and they are always striving to be better at what they do. So, pop in and say hi. You will always be warmly welcomed.